Hero photograph
Photo by Office @ Heaton

Cross Country

Kit Clarkson —

On the 26 May, our school held our annual Cross Country. This was held at Elmwood Park over a distance of 2.5 kilometers.

This year each house was aiming to get the lowest points for this year’s Cross Country House Competition. If you came first place you got one point, second two points, and so on.

Teachers were also encouraged to join in and were awarded negative points for their houses.

Cross-country is one of my favourite opportunities of the year. It's a day where you get to cheer on your friends, run along with them and just have fun. As we walked down to Elmwood Park our excitement was growing. I had butterflies in my stomach and a spring in my step. We gathered at the start line, nervously awaiting the starting clappers. BANG! We were off. The faster runners sped to the front over the first 100m and then everyone fell into a comfortable stride. There was so much support from parents and friends that lifted and encouraged us as we ran.

Overall this was a great experience and I hope everyone is proud of themselves. I wish good luck to everyone going to Zones.  Have a great time and I hope you all do well.

By Katie Keats