Hero photograph
Photo by Office @ Heaton

Music Appreciation Concerts

Office @ Heaton —

On Monday, 3 December we will be holding our annual Music Appreciation evening.

Following on from the success of last year, we will again be holding two concerts and they will both be free of charge.

The first concert (from 6-7 pm) will showcase what our itinerant music (clarinet, flute, saxophone, violin and cello) students have been learning this year and will also feature performances from the orchestra and chamber groups.

The second concert (from 7.30-8.30pm) is for our commercial music students (our drummers, singers, guitarists and pianists) as well as the rock bands.

The concerts will also feature the choir and chorale and maybe even a dance group!

It will be a fantastic evening of music, so please pencil the date in your diaries and come along.  

Sarah Helleur, Itinerant music coordinator