Hero photograph
Photo by Office @ Heaton

Andrea Knight, Principal

Office @ Heaton —

Kia ora whānau

You may be aware that our school has adopted the New Pedagogies for Deep Learning (NPDL) as a schoolwide philosophy to encourage and develop deep, meaningful and purposeful learning for our students. NPDL is a global educational network of over 1000 schools and a large number of educators. The goals of deep learning are that students will gain the competencies and dispositions that will prepare them to be creative, connected and collaborative life-long problem solvers and to be healthy, holistic human beings who not only contribute to but also create the common good in today’s knowledge-based, creative and interdependent world. The focus is on our students developing global competences called the 6cs: character, citizenship, collaboration, communication, creativity and critical thinking. This is done through using a wide range of different teaching strategies, developing learning partnerships with you and our community, designing school and external learning environments to support deep learning and effectively using digital technologies to enhance learning.

You will hear your child talk about the 6cs and which particular ones are a focus through Inquiry units and other areas of learning.

Character: honesty, self-regulation and responsibility, hard work, perseverance, empathy for contributing to the safety and benefit of others, self-confidence, personal health and well-being, career and life skills

Citizenship: global knowledge, sensitivity to and respect for other cultures, active involvement in addressing issues of human and environmental sustainability

Communication: communicate effectively orally, in writing and with a variety of digital tools and listening skills

Critical thing and problem solving: think critically to design and manage projects, solve problems, make effective decisions using a variety of digital tools and resources

Collaboration: work in teams, learn from and contribute to the learning of others, social networking, solve problems, make effective, ethical decisions using a a variety of digital tools and other resources

Creativity and imagination: economic and social entrepreneurialism, considering and pursuing new and different ideas and leadership for action

Thank you to all parents/whānau and students who attended this week’s goal setting interviews. Well done to our students and teachers for ensuring these meetings were lead so ably by students and were purposeful and informative.

Ngā mihi

Andrea Knight, Principal