Hero photograph
Photo by Jane Boniface

"Keeping Your Children Safe Online: A Guide for New Zealand Parents"

Jane Boniface —

This book by renowned cyber-safety expert John Parsons is available for parents/caregivers to borrow from the Heaton LRC.

You may have heard John Parsons speak - he travels around New Zealand delivering sessions to parents, students and educators on how children can stay safe and behave ethically in the digital world.  Read this article from the NZ Herald "Leading cyber-safety expert John Parsons issues stark reminder for parents" for a summary of his message.

Heaton has four copies of John Parson's book available for parents to borrow from the Learning Resource Centre (LRC). If you would like to read the book "Keeping Your Children Safe Online: A Guide for New Zealand Parents" please email me at Bonifacej@heaton.school.nz and I can send a copy home with your child. The standard loan period is three weeks. 

It is a short and engaging book filled with valuable information and practical advice. As a parent of two teenage boys,  as well as a school librarian who teaches Digital Citizenship, I thoroughly recommend it!