Hero photograph
Photo by Anne-Marie Grigg

Year 8 Camp

Anne-Marie Grigg —

This year our Year 8 camp will be at the Waipara Adventure Centre.

Each Year 8 house will go to camp between 30 October to the 13 November for 3 days/2 nights.  An information letter will be sent out at the beginning of next term which will outline all details regarding this trip.  

The cost for the Year 8 camp is  $180.00 per student. Please make payments to  Kindo/Growth Collective  www.mykindo.govt.nz .  If you wish to make part payments to your kindo account, you may do so. Once your account credit has sufficient funds of $180, you may then check out your camp purchase.

There is no urgency to purchase at this stage, we just wanted to inform you of the up coming cost for Term 4.