On Saturday night, He Tīwai Mātauranga kapa haka participated in a kapa haka competition called Tūhono. It was held in the Town Hall where all our whānau and friends came to watch us and other intermediate kura perform.
We performed Tōku reo tōku ohooho our waiata tira which is a choral item, Iti te kupu nui te kōrero, our waiata ā-ringa which is an action song, and Ake rautangi, our haka. We placed 3rd overall, came 2nd in our haka and 1st for the kairakuraku (a student guitarist).
Our favourite part of Tūhono was when we, as leaders, went up on stage and performed Tahu potiki and Ko te whirika with all the other leaders, as well as watching all the other schools perform these items together. It was such an awesome experience performing in front of our whānau, friends, teachers and other kura. Looking out off the stage with the other kura and our whānau watching us perform on stage was amazing.
Getting ready beforehand all together was so fun, eating pizza, getting our tāmoko stencils done and the struggles of doing the girls' hair.
He mihi nui ki ō tātou kaimahi i ō āwhina mai, ō tātou kaiwhakaako hoki i ō āwhina i ngā āhuatanga katoa. He mihi aroha ki a Whaea Chrissy mō ngā mahi i mahia e ia mō a tātou. Thank you to all the staff, our tutors and Whaea Chrissy for all the help and work you did for us.
Charlie - Room 14
Tayla - Room 20