Hero photograph
Photo by Fiona Taylor

Throwing Clay

Fiona Taylor —

This month Art Extension had their first experience of throwing on a wheel.

After forming their ball of clay, each student was instructed on how to centre their clay on the wheel. This involved setting the foot pedal to the right speed and having a very determined attitude about controlling the clay. A battle between pupil and clay as they tried to hold their hands still as the clay wanted to  wriggle around on the wheel. Mind over matter. With a little support each student had the clay running smoothly beneath their fingers and were then able to open up the clay. They learnt how to use their fingers to measure the thickness of the clay as they pushed down and pulled up their bowls. Everyone succeeded in creating a bowl, a fantastic achievement for their first attempt. Hopefully they will be inspired to start practicing in Art Club.

I enjoyed working on the pottery wheel. It is an art technique that I have never tried before. I am happy with how my bowl came out and want to make a bowl on a wheel again. Using the wheel was difficult but it turned out great. Freya Room 1

I enjoyed making a pot because it was a new skill that I hadn’t done before. It was really interesting learning how to shape the clay and then paint it. It was very difficult to keep the clay on the wheel. Hannah Room 18

This term in art extension, we were able to have a go at using the pottery wheel, making a bowl. We learnt how to mould the clay using our hands. With the help of Mrs Taylor, we crafted something that looked like a bowl! I thoroughly enjoyed this project. Emma Room 5

In Art extension this term one of the projects we were able to do was making a bowl using a wheel. We learnt how to control the clay with our hands with the guidance of Mrs Taylor, this was one of my favourite projects. This is how they turned out. Amelia Room 5

I thought it was fun. Sophia Room 1

I really liked doing pottery because we could create our own bowls. I didn't expect the clay to be hard to control, but it was. It is much harder than it looks. Alisha Room 18