Hero photograph
Photo by Office @ Heaton

40 Hour Famine Fun Run

Office @ Heaton —

To Brisbane and back again. This year Heaton held its first 40 Hour Famine run-a-thon. It was an incredible success. Everyone in the school and community got behind this event by dressing up, running laps, raising funds for the 40 Hour Famine and having a great time.

Students were all given the opportunity to run for 1 hour throughout the day with their class and could opt into running extra laps during lunch, morning tea and before school. Each lap was 1.6kms. I was thrilled to see so many students running extra laps throughout the day and can proudly say as a school community that we ran 5003kms! Yes, you read that correctly - as a school, we ran 5003kms. The distance from Christchurch to Brisbane and back again. 

Students are still collecting sponsorship and bringing their funds to the school office. If you would like to make a donation to this great cause please click the link https://my.worldvision.org.nz/d/ss/S5TdGi/heaton-normal-intermediate. We are very close to reaching our school goal of $8000.
Way to go Heaton! I'm so proud of you all!

Kit Clarkson