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Photo by Sue Sugrue

The Rotary Speech Competition and Intermediate Schools' Speech Competition, Sarah Cumming

Sue Sugrue —

2016 Speech Competition Finalists

Will - Room 15, Tazmin - Room 3, Daniel - Room 16

Did you know that public speaking is considered to be one of the most common phobias? It affects three out of four people. It is incredible to think that approximately 75% of individuals suffer from speech anxiety. Considering statistics such as these, the willingness, expertise and dedication of our five speech finalists, Daniel - Room 16, Eva - Room 18, (Year 8) and Will - Room 15, Tazmin - Room 3 and Thesara - Room 6 (Year 7) is even more impressive.

In the first two weeks of Term Four, the Rotary Speech Competition preliminaries and finals were held followed by the Intermediate Schools' Speech Competition. Competitors from across our community gathered together to entertain, inform and persuade two large audiences. We congratulate all the competition winners from the other schools but of course we are especially proud of Will - Room 15 who was placed first in the Year 7 division and Daniel - Room 16 who placed second equal in the Year 8 division of the Rotary Competition.

Being part of the Rotary Speech Competition and Intermediate Schools' Speech finals were magnificent opportunities. Hearing the different speech topics made me think and wonder should I give money to beggars or buskers, or be worried about gender stereotypes that can influence girls in Disney movies. It was a great experience and I am looking forward to writing another speech next year. I definitely stepped out of my comfort zone doing this. In fact, this was my speech topic ‘Stepping outside your comfort zone’. I think I have encouraged a lot of people to do the things that they would never do.

Tazmin - Year 7, Room 3

Having the opportunity to represent the school at Rotary and Intermediate Schools' Speech Competitions were amazing experiences. Progressing from the class competition to the Rotary and Intermediate Schools' Competition was exciting and nerve racking. Ultimately the best part for me was being able to perform my speech ‘Politics’ in front of all the other competitors in the Performing Arts Center in the Rotary finals. `This was my favourite experience this year and to come away with a win on home turf was just an added bonus. 

Will - Room 15

I felt honoured and proud to represent Heaton, in the Rotary Speech Competition. It was an unforgettable experience. It was both thrilling and nerve-racking to present my speech in front of what seemed like 80 people, both young and old. I am pleased to have come away with second equal and to have had such an enjoyable night. Many thanks to all the teachers who put their time and effort into organizing and helping us with the speeches. It is, no doubt, the highest point for me at Heaton. I am looking forward to writing another great speech at my high school next year.

Daniel - Room 16