Hero photograph
Photo by Joan Green

Year 8 Ski Trips

Joan Green —

On two magically beautiful days in September, the three Year 8 kaupeka skied fresh powdery snow at Mt Hutt.

by Anna

As a house, those who elected to went to Mt Hutt to spend a day skiing. Everyone had a great time and really enjoyed learning to ski or snowboard or (if already experienced) doing more challenging runs. The bus was an adventure, but we had heaps of fun once we got there. In the morning, we had lessons with Mt Hutt instructors and different groups did different things, depending on our level of experience. 

In the afternoon, we were allowed to go on the runs our instructor told us we could go on and we got to have fun with our friends. Many experienced skiers or snowboarders chose to do easier runs with their friends for a bit of fun. Overall, it was a great day for all!