Hero photograph
Photo by Sarah Cumming

External Academic Competitions

Sarah Cumming —

The 2019 external academic competitions offered at Heaton include ICAS English, Writing, Spelling, Mathematics, Digital Technologies, Science and Australian Mathematics Competitions. In addition to this, Year 8 students are also able to participate in the Junior Big Science Competition.

These competitions take place throughout Australia and New Zealand and all students are invited to participate. Most of the competitions are the initiative of Educational Assessment Australia, University of New South Wales.

The competitions provide an opportunity for all students to gain a measure of their achievement in an external assessment situation. It provides schools and teachers with comprehensive reporting of results and also gives parents helpful information regarding their child’s performance in the chosen exams.

All students receive a certificate and an individual student report indicating which questions they answered correctly, as well as the average mark for New Zealand. The student report is useful for highlighting student strengths and gaps in the skills identified in the exams.

Certificates are awarded for all external exams each year and have differing levels of achievements. Medals may be awarded to top students in a year level. Entries to the external exams can only be accepted through our school for our students.

Please take note of the closing dates shown in the table below for ordering each competition subject. Once you have booked and paid, online refunds are unavailable. Late entries are unable to be accepted.

Payment must be made using the Kindo/Growth Collective link:

  • www.mykindo.co.nz

  • For help and technical enquiries please call the Kindo Helpdesk: 05 0845 4636 (freephone) Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 4:00 pm or email: helpdesk@thegrowthcollective.co.nz

Further information regarding the ICAS exams can be found at www.eaa.unsw.edu.au/eaa, Big Science Competition: www.asi.edu.au Australian Mathematics Competitions www.amt.edu.au

Sarah Cumming

Deputy Principal