Hamish Berkers — Oct 21, 2022

Staff faced off against the Year 13s in what was going to be a hotly contested match. The final score didn't end up showing this however...

It was a few minutes into a peaceful Friday lunchtime when Mr. Smith came into the staffroom on the hunt for unsuspecting members of staff to join him on the field. A team for the Ultimate Frisbee match against the Year 13s what what he was conscripting for, and once the team was pieced together it was time to begin.

The game started and instantly it was clear that even though there were more Year 13s than staff, this wasn't going to be a problem for Mr. Smith's side. Points were quickly made by the staff who headed into halftime with a 4-0 lead.

The Year 13s hadn't given up however. Team captains Lucy Rennie and Gabrielle Austin delivered a pep talk that riled up their team, and the Year 13s came back swinging, scoring a point early in the second half. A false glimmer of hope it turned out to be however, with staff managing to pick up their game, rounding the match out with another point. This left the final score at 5-1 to the staff.

Thank you to all who participated, and a special thanks to the Sports Department for organising it, and to Mr. Smith, Gabrielle Austin, and Lucy Rennie for leading the teams and further encouraging some healthy rivalry between staff and students.