Hero photograph
Empowering Young Women
Photo by Hamilton Girls' High School

Student Hauora

Hamilton Girls' High School —

Coming to a new school can be quite daunting. We have an extensive network to support students and their families. A learning environment with constructive working relationships, positive friendships, and personal responsibility are essential in the development of empowered young women.

Whānau Classes

Whānau teachers have daily contact with their whānau class. Whānau teachers are the first port of call for students and their families for pastoral care. They oversee the academic progress of students, attendance and participation in activities.

Whānau Māori Classes

At Hamilton Girls’ High School we offer special character Whānau Māori classes. These classes uphold tikanga Māori in a nurturing and safe environment. They are well supported by the Māori department and have a focus to provide a culturally responsive approach to care.

Guidance Counsellors

Where problems or concerns are of a more confidential and personal nature, the Guidance Counsellor is a person you can talk with. Our Guidance Counsellors are available by appointment and have the experience and ability to provide support for any situation or issue our young women may face. They also have access to a network of specialists to support their work.

Careers Department

The Careers Department are available to help all students with choosing career pathways and course planning, goal setting and time management that is necessary to achieve their chosen goals.

Pasifika & Māori Student Support

Achieving personal excellence academically is a major focus and we have targeted support structures in place to support our Pasifika and Māori students. These include: Our mentoring initiatives such as the ‘Big Sister’ programme for our Year 9 students; Teacher mentors for our senior students; and a Study centre for weekly study and tutoring.

House System

Every student in the school is allocated to a house. The five houses are Heads, Edgecumbe, Wilson, MacDiarmid and Campbell. The houses compete in a wide variety of events including athletics, swimming, cross country, charity collections and academic performance. The house system generates pride and passion for Hamilton Girls’ High School and a sense of community.

Hillary Learning Hub

A learning support centre, specialising in identifying and catering to diverse learning needs in an inclusive environment.

Student Wellness: Health Clinic

A qualified nurse is available 9:30am - 2:30pm daily, and a free doctor service is available one afternoon per week by appointment.