Hero photograph
Eve Turner (Deputy House Leader), Ms Kenny (House Leader), Kura Edwards (Spirit Leader) & Emily Leen (Student House Captain)
Photo by Brittany Kenny

Campbell House

Brittany Kenny —

Despite a turbulent start to the year, Campbell House has managed to steady on!

It has been a rocky start to the beginning of the 2022 school year with Omicron meaning many house events had to be cancelled. Despite this - Campbell House has managed to have a fun and successful start to the year! Emily Leen has been elected as the Campbell House Captain and Eve Turner has stepped in as Deputy House Captain. We are lucky to have such enthusiastic young women leading the House. Along with them, Kura Edwards has earned the role of House Spirit Leader! 

The Year 9 and Year 13 Campbell students have been participating in the Connections Programme on Tuesdays after school. They started out with school tours, designing tutor group walls and getting to know you activities in the first week. From there, every Tuesday has meant a different activity for them to participate in. Campbell started out doing Chalk Art - making some fantastic designs. The following week saw Campbell students participating in the Scavenger Hunt. After that, they were out on the field for Capture the Flag. A fashion show of Newspaper Dresses designed in 45 minutes was a popular activity with the students and finally, they finished off their rotation with a Quiz. 

During the term Athletics and Swimming Sports also took place. Emily Leen, Eve Turner and Kura Edwards helped to lead the Junior Athletics Standards Day - activities included shot put, high jump, javelin and the 100-metre sprint. Year 9 and 10 Campbell students came dressed in orange and everyone who attended got into the spirit. All year 10 Campbell students that attended participated in every single event - well done year 10! Students earned bonus points for keeping their areas clean and Campbell managed to earn all of these points easily - tidy kiwis! Many Campbell students also participated in Swimming Sports. One of the highlights for the House was the Whānau Group relay. Campbell came 5th but it was neck and neck till the end - the important part was that everyone showed up and had fun! 

This term, each whānau group elected a student to represent them on the Campbell House Council. Abigail Milburn has taken the lead on this. Girls are putting their heads together to come up with various activities to help create more house spirit. One activity everyone is looking forward to is the House Leader Amazing Race! This will be held on Wednesday of Week 11 during lunchtime. Whānau teacher Mr Spence is stepping in to represent Campbell House in the race! Another intrahouse activity the Campbell Council is working on is putting together a quiz that will be led in whānau time by members of the Campbell Council. 

All in all, despite the difficulties, it has turned out to be a busy and fun term. We are all looking forward to some exciting events ahead. Roll on Cross Country! 

And finally, a message from Emily - "Hi Girls, I'm Emily and will be your 2022 Campbell House Captain, I can't wait for the exciting year ahead. It has been great getting to know the year 9s through Connections and hope to get to know the rest of you throughout the rest of the year."