Hero photograph
Photo by Alex Matai'a

A.C.E Week

Alex Matai'a —

Across week 4, the Academic council ran a series of fun activities for the girls to get involved in, labeled ACE week (academic curriculum expo).

There was something on offer for everyone last week, ranging from the arts departments right through to the maths and science subjects.

To kick the week off our languages committee held a variety of activities from origami frog jumping competitions, pancakes, tongue-twisters, and calligraphy ink art. Next, we collectively ran the HGHS/ HBHS combined academic quiz, with a house competition in amongst this. Wednesday saw a large range of activities from the arts committee hosting HGHS's famous Wicked Wednesdays. This consisted of performances from a Latino Swing Dance group and our beautiful Kapa Haka (Te Maurea Whiritoi,) alongside a movie trivia quiz and open painting classes. But the action and fun didn’t stop there! Lastly, on Thursday the English and Social Studies committees worked together in producing a brain-teasing quiz, with trivia and knowledge for all to enjoy. This was an awesome week, massive congratulations to the Academic Council for all your hard work!