Hero video
Empowering Our Learners - 2022 NCEA Information
Video by Hamilton Girls' High School

Empowering Our Learners - An Information Video for Whānau

Campbell Wood —

As we were unable to gather in person this year, an information video for whānau has been put together to demystify the NCEA, encourage effective learning and study habits in our young women, and ensure whānau engage with and get the most out of our parent portal.

Unfortunately, our kura was unable to host our annual NCEA Information evening this year due to Covid-19 interruptions. 

However, to ensure our students and their whanau (especially those who are new to NCEA) are kept well informed, an information video has been prepared. 

We hope that this resource helps to support: 

- a clear understanding of NCEA and how it works 

- an appreciation of good study and learning practices for your daughter to adopt 

- active and effective use of our parent portal 

Please click on the link to view the information video: Empowering Our Learners