Hero photograph
Principal Marie Gordon

From the Principal's Desk

Marie Gordon —

Our Principal brings education back into focus as we move into the school holidays.

Together we have achieved so much. Amidst the rolling year levels to manage staff and student absences, Term 2 has once again been action packed for our school community. As you step into our school, there are a myriad of students thoroughly engaged in a multitude of activities. We are always thankful to the volunteers and staff that make this possible, and our newsletters every month celebrate these events and our students.

Being involved in the Arts, Sports, and Clubs is a wonderful way of providing a balanced approach to school, but academic achievement must always remain at the centre of everything students do. Education gives our young students choices, and is the key to turning a weakness into a strength. It gives us different tools and skills to add to our kete of knowledge, and shows the importance of hard work. Nelson Mandela said “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” We ask our whānau to work with their young people to ensure they are on track to achieve their educational goals, and if further support is required, please contact their teachers or the Pastoral Team. We are here to help.

As we move into Term 3, we have already begun planning for 2023. Enrolments are open, career evenings will take place and student discussions with key people regarding future career pathways are ongoing.

On a final note, I wish our staff and students a restful and safe break.