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by Kim Howard

Sports Staff Member Jamie Ogilvy is breaking records in weightlifting!

Kim Howard - October 16, 2023

Jamie Ogilvy took up weightlifting four years ago. What a journey it has been so far !

Jamie discovered weightlifting through CrossFit and realised that out of all the CrossFit disciplines, she enjoyed weightlifting the most. Jamie says "Weightlifting is not just about being strong, it's about timing and balance and I liked the more technical side of it."

Jamie's favorite thing about the sport is the inclusiveness of it - women and girls of all shapes and sizes can participate and do really well. 

Jamie, who is also completing her PhD, has tied her sport to her research. Her research project is a subset of a wider Marsden project - "Our game by our rules, bringing an indigenous perspective to sport". Her section focuses on weightlifting and power based sports as a vehicle for enhanced wellbeing and empowerment for wāhine Māori.

Jamie has competed both nationally and internationally. Her achievements to date:

Masters World Cup - Silver medalist  

NZ Masters - two-time Gold medalist 

Five NZ Masters records 

What an incredible role model for all young women. We are so fortunate to have Jamie in our sporting environment at HGHS. She will be introducing Weightlifting to our HGHS Sporting codes in 2024!