Campbell Wood — Apr 8, 2022

Whānau Group reading, despite the challenges of Covid-19 interruptions and general Term 1 busyness, has been a regular daily feature for our students.

Our continued aim at HGHS is for each whānau group to read silently three times a week. Overall reading mileage (how much we read) and reading for pleasure (voluntarily reading because we enjoy it) are shown to have a positive impact on the quality of a student's learning and learning outcomes, their overall wellbeing, and likely future pathways.

Congratulations to each and every student who has made a sincere commitment this term to keep up great reading habits! Positive literacy routines, most especially being regular and avid readers, will always help to empower you. 

We look forward to thumbing more pages and enlightening ourselves further through books throughout the coming term. Be it in whānau group, when using our campus library, or through simply finding a moment in our day to take pleasure in a good read, reading is succeeding.