Hero photograph
Photo by Toti West

Return of the Alumni

Toti West —

This month's edition introduces Amun Mukhtar, 2014 Multicultural Prefect, who has returned as a staff member in the Science Department.

Name and background
Kia ora tātou
Nō Pakitana ahau
Ko Mukhtar tōku whānau
Ko Amun tōku ingoa
He kaiako pūtaiao ahau
Kei te noho au ki Kirikiriroa
Tēnā koutou katoa

Hello everyone
I am from Pakistan
Mukhtar is my family
Amun is my name
I am a Science teacher
I live in Hamilton
Greetings to you all

Your last year at HGHS

What is it that you currently do outside of school?
I often find myself with a book at the beach or a quiet café, or I engage myself with event planning for my family and friends. I enjoy travelling and exploring the beauty of Aotearoa.

What was your favourite thing about being a student at HGHS?
I thoroughly enjoyed taking Geography throughout my senior years. We had lots of trips and outdoor activities that were an excellent refresher throughout the year. I also loved being the Multicultural Prefect!

What was your greatest accomplishment at school as a student and why?
There were two things that stick out. Firstly, I was part of the amazing ‘Family, Food, Faith’ project organised by Nellie Wallace-Ward as part of the Centenary celebrations. The exhibition was a result of the photojournalist project involving students from Year 9 - 13 photographing their lives outside the school over eight months from July 2010 to February 2011. It was a great feeling to share a part of my identity and have it published in a book!

Secondly, I was able to arrange an Amazing Race for the Multicultural Week 2014 as the Multicultural Prefect. It was an enjoyable experience to bring together and celebrate many cultures at HGHS.

What are you looking forward to most about being a staff member at HGHS?
I am excited to explore the school as a kaiako and see how I can get involved and participate in the diverse range of extra-curricular activities at HGHS.

What advice would you give to current students?
"To live is to choose. But to choose well, you must know who you are and what you stand for, where you want to go and why you want to get there" - Kofi Annan. High School is a great learning experience, not only in class but also in your interactions with your peers around you; make the most of these opportunities, and lastly, enjoy and be kind!