Hero photograph
Photo by Wendy Calder

Career events and happenings in Term 2

Wendy Calder —

There are many Tertiary Open Days and Information Evenings coming up, a great opportunity for students and parents to gather information.

Waikato Trades Academy update - Our year at the Waikato Trades Academy (WTA) has started off with flying colours! So far, fifteen wāhine toa have completed their first term of WTA in Construction, Manufacturing Technology, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering, Hair and Beauty and Social and Community classes at WINTEC. The Primary ITO also taught six of our ākonga as part of their WTA Agriculture course on local Waikato farms.

The girls have been learning skills that range from calf-rearing, electrical soldering, colouring hair, investigating local community services and welding through to building a dog house.

During Term Two they will continue to develop these skills and learn more. We are proud of their progress and look forward to seeing their final projects. 

Key dates careers dates are published through the student daily notices, Careers Department Facebook and Instagram pages. Keep an eye out to stay up-to-date!