Hero photograph
Ash Phillips and Hilary Clarke setting up for a HGHS Talent Quest heat
Photo by Margot Rawlings

Our not so secret workforce: HGHS Tech Team

Margot Rawlings —

Talent Quest, sports videoing, assembly sound systems, drama and dance costumes - take your pick! Behind the scenes there are groups of students who are keeping it running and making it happen.

The first of these groups is the Tech Team. This relatively new group is made up of ten mainly senior students, guided by music teacher Hamish Berkers. The group is called on to provide technical support at any event or gathering that requires sound. They also lend their technical expertise in the recording studio.

“I am constantly amazed at the ability of these students to work with the technology and how keen they are to learn and apply that knowledge. Supporting the tech requirements of our school is a massive undertaking and we are extremely fortunate to have a group of students prepared to give up their free time to make it all happen. If they didn’t volunteer we simply wouldn’t be able to do all that we do” says Mr Berkers.

Ash Phillips and Hilary Clarke are two Y12 Tech Team members who are not entirely sure how many hours they devote to their group, but Hilary estimates that during 2021 she probably did 100 hours. And that was a Covid year, so now that everyone is gathering again the demands will rise.

So, why do these students make such a commitment to supporting others? “I love the problem solving,” explains Hilary. “Things always go wrong and you have to work out why and get it going. There is time pressure and a lot of people relying on you, so you have to stay calm and work it through. It’s hugely challenging and such a rush when it all works properly.”

Ash and Hilary demonstrated quiet, confident teamwork as they managed the sound system for the 2022 HGHS Talent Quest. “The Tech Team seems to attract the quieter students. I guess we aren’t seeking the limelight of being on-stage, but we all definitely want to be involved in all these events. I really enjoy meeting like- minded people and working as a team,” says Ash.

Ash and Hilary would like to encourage others to come and join the Team, particularly Year 9 and 10s to make sure that the group has a succession plan. “By nature, potential recruits may be shy to come and get involved but we are really welcoming and you will learn everything you need to know once you get here,” says Hilary.

Hilary hopes to use the skills she has learnt from Mr Berkers and longtime supporter of everything tech at HGHS Mr John Messant, to pursue a career in sound engineering for film and television or music recording. Ash hopes to expand his interests in backstage theatre with technical expertise, a strong requirement in that space. Their experiences as part of the HGHS Tech Team will stand them in good stead for these endeavours.