Hero photograph
Photo by Wendy Calder

Pathway events in Term 2

Wendy Calder —

Students have been out and about this term exploring pathway options for their futures.

Girls with Hi-Viz

This annual event gives female students the opportunity to gain hands-on experience, hear from inspirational women within the engineering industry and learn what a career in the infrastructure's civil, energy, telco and water industries can offer.

Our students visited the Higgins site office (part of Fletcher Construction). Students had the opportunity to speak to female engineers who work in a range of specialisations and were able to gain a better understanding of the qualification pathways. Highlights of the day were the bridge building activity and the opportunity to operate one of the diggers.

Health Heroes

This day at NZMA (a local education provider) showcased a range of health related courses – Pharmacy Technician, Health Care Assistant, Pre- Nursing. Students had an interactive day learning what each course entailed and discovered the pathways that stemmed from them. Lots of fun was had learning how to bandage an arm wound and put on a sling.