Hero photograph
Second place for Kennedy Hosking, Kiera Sullivan and Marina Aleksic!
Photo by Sashi Patel


Sashi Patel —

HGHS Second place in ChemQuest competition

Nine Year 12 Chemistry students (Sarah Collins, Marina Aleksic, Kennedy Hosking, Keira Sullivan, Pippa Hall, Maryam Habib, Sarah King, Katelyn Graham and Emily Cox) represented Hamilton Girls' High School at the ChemQuest competition at Waikato University on Wednesday 26th October. They competed in groups of three against 48 other teams from the Waikato Region.

The girls really enjoyed the range of questions that were presented with different varieties of contexts. There was an amazing presentation involving a glow stick demonstration and explosions of hydrogen gas. The quiz ended with drinks and pizza which was a fun way to end the night.

Congratulations to Kennedy Hosking, Kiera Sullivan and Marina Aleksic for gaining second place in this competition. The girls received a cash prize of $120 .