Highfield Primary School

Term 4, Week 7 Newsletter/Pānui

Amy Logavatu - November 27, 2024

Tēnā koutou, Mālō e lelei, Tālofa lava, ni sa Bula vinaka, Marhaba, Kia orana & warm greetings

Congratulations to some of our Pasifika Group who represented our school at the Aoraki Pasifika Festival, you were amazing!

Swimming Pool

The pool is now ready to go, we ask that children bring their togs and towel named if they are swimming. Pool keys are available for hire from the office for $70 for the season $10 will be returned once you return the key. A reminder to please return any keys from last season.

Class Placements 

We are in the process of finalising our staffing 2025. We will be sending out further information in the next couple of weeks inviting a chance for some input before confirming classes in early December. Class placements are a long and laborious task for us. In many ways, it is a labour of love. We spend hours pouring over our class lists and individually placing each child in the right place. Every class list has several pairs of eyes on it - the child's current teacher, their new teacher, their team leaders and our Senior Leadership Team all have input. We ask you to trust us that we do have your child's best interests at heart.

Please see attached class information sheet and attached map of classrooms.

Prize Giving

We invite our families to join us for our final school prize givings on Thursday 12 December.

(Please note the change of times to allow for more room in our school hall).

Team Kowhai / Miromiro Te Whare Maru  12pm

Team Ti kouka / Kea Te Whare Maru 1.30pm

Team Kahikatea 6pm

Upcoming Events

Last Day Y1-Y7 - 16 December

Last 1/2 Day Y8 - 17 December

Start 2025 - 3 February

Closed - 6 & 7 February

Teacher Only Day - 10 March & 30 May

Ka eke ngātahi atu mātau ki ngā taumata hou

Together we soar to new heights

Ngā mihi nui
