Home and School Meeting
Robyn Cooper - March 8, 2022
We will be holding the Highfield Home and School AGM on Wednesday 16th March 2022 7pm online. This will be followed by the monthly meeting. If you would like to join the Home and School or just attend the meeting to see what it is all about please email homeandschool@highfield.school.nz and we will send you a link to the online meeting.
The Home and School is a friendly committee of school parents and staff that meet once a month to:
- Fundraise for school resources
- Plan and deliver events that connect the community with the school
- Encourage whanau to get involved in their children’s education
Why get involved?
- Get connected – meet new people and find out what is happening in the school
- Have a say – share your ideas to develop exciting programmes and events that support the school
- Be a role model – by joining the Home and School you’ll be demonstrating to your child the importance you place on education
- We need you – Every new member is vitally important in keeping the Home and School going.
What do I have to do?
Nothing more than you can do. We are all volunteers. We all have families, jobs and other commitments. We all have different skills and strengths. We only ask you to give the time and expertise that you can.
For more information contact homeandschool@highfield.school.nz