Hero photograph
Photo by Robyn Cooper

“Ko te ahurei o te tamaiti arahia o tatou mahi" Let the uniqueness of the child guide our work.”

Robyn Cooper —

Week 7

Kia Ora Koutou,

This beautiful whakatauki describes Highfield’s special culture. We want all our tamariki to feel that their interests help to guide their own learning. Highfield teachers work hard to gain trust and develop close relationships that foster these thoughts in a holistic and caring manner. I have been so impressed with how the students have re-engaged so quickly and the school feels excited and a happy place. It is great to watch them connecting and supporting each other.

I must also say a huge thank you to each and every one of you. Thank you for being understanding. I have stood at the gate everyday and enjoyed listening to the chatter of the students and watching the special goodbye hugs.

As you are aware the country is still under alert level 2 and therefore we must continue with the social distancing, encouraging parents to stay off school site and completing the contact tracing register. However, after Queen’s Birthday Weekend we will be allowing students on site from 8.30am. They will also be allowed to play outside before school, after they have sanitized their hands. We will continue with our staggered home time as this helps to alleviate crowding and encourage social distancing.

Have a wonderful long weekend and stay safe.

Nga mihi