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Highfield Primary School

by Robyn Cooper

Riroriro Rūma 1

Robyn Cooper - August 26, 2023

This week we have been practicing our letter formation, and are all working to only have a capital/uppercase for the first letter of our name. It is great to see individual sounds and words with 2 sounds being read and written with increasing confidence, both during our structured literacy lesson and during play. We have also been learning to identify words that rhyme.

During maths we have been continuing to practice our number formation, have been working to order numbers and also some basic addition activities.

Our Technology Inquiry became really hands on yesterday as we followed the Engineering Design Process completely. Our problem was that our trolley we use a lot has broken, we brainstormed and someone thought we should build a new one. A few designs later and we gathered the resources and tools and got busy. After a check to see if it worked we decided it was all good. Everyone has had lots of fun being pulled around on it.

After our team hui, and structured literacy and handwriting this morning, we headed off on a community walk with Rooms 2 and 6 - a great way to finish the week.