Hero photograph
Photo by Robyn Cooper

Gumboot Friday

Robyn Cooper —

Wise Weka

Last week was Gumboot Friday and the Wise Weka showed their support by creating their own "Gumboot up" slogans to help their peers change their thinking and attitude towards themselves and others.

Gumboot Friday is an initiative by the Key to Life Charitable Trust, a fundraising and advocacy organisation that supports young people who are struggling with their mental health.

Many of our students have experienced problems or issues that can lead to serious Mental Health conditions! The idea around our support for Gumboot Friday was to encourage students to think carefully about how their words and actions can affect others, even if it just meant as a joke! It was also an opportunity to be open and feel safe to talk about our feelings (or know that it is ok to talk) and that we need to listen carefully to others without judgement.

So get involved and help change the conversation our kids are having with themselves. There are plenty of resources to help you start these conversations or tips on what to do and say if you know someone struggling on the link below!
