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Highfield Primary School

by Robyn Cooper

Team Rimu

Robyn Cooper - February 3, 2021

Nau mai, haere mai. Welcome back to 2021.

Welcome to all our new families who have joined the Highfield School community this year. It is lovely to have you with us.

We have had a great first few days getting used to our new timetable and classroom routines. Everyone is enjoying the new timetable and tamariki (children) seem to be more focused with the extra break. It has been great reconnecting with students and whānau after the summer break and teachers are enjoying getting to know the new learners in their classrooms.

This year we have 6 classrooms in Team Rimu so things look a bit different from previous years. We look forward to catching up with you all next week at our Meet the Teacher evening where we will let you know how Team Rimu will work in 2021.

Nga manaakitanga

Kind regards

Team Rimu Teachers

Danielle, Renee, Jill, Heather, Natasha, Sarah & Nic