by Robyn Cooper
Robyn Cooper — July 6, 2022
Welcome/ Haere mai to the last newsletter of the term!
What a term! Despite so much illness from covid, cold/flu and stomach bugs, the best thing was we didn’t have to close the school, so congratulations to everyone, the teachers and support staff for supporting each other and to all you as families for ensuring your children kept safe and well, and at home if they had to be. I have been so proud of how the students have adapted to the changing environment that they found at school some days – relievers and often mixed classes…thank you!
This newsletter is packed with articles about the wonderful learning and happenings at Highfield. We have achieved so much in the last couple of weeks. Please take the time to read and enjoy the photos. ( I had to use the photo from Round Hill taken on Wednesday - Imagine having a view like this every day!)
This is my last newsletter as Acting Principal. I would like to thank everyone for your support this term, especially all the staff who have made the task very easy.
Have a wonderful holiday with your children. Take time to rest and we will look forward to seeing everyone back safe and well in Term 3.
Keep smiling