by Robyn Cooper
Robyn Cooper — March 24, 2024
Hi all
On Monday we welcomed Maria to Room 1 and 2. She is a learning assistant who will support Miss Low and myself in both classes each day. We also spent some time watching the cruise ship on the council webcam that looks down over the port - everyone was fascinated with how big it was. I know some families were going down to see it leave Timaru.
We have continued with our movement activities before getting underway with our learning. In our numeracy learning we have started counting groups of items to 10, along with writing numbers, ordering numbers to 10 and working to identify number patterns.
In our literacy learning we have been learning about the letter f and it’s sound. Felix the Frog was our character and he makes the sound for f. We went fishing and had a go with frisbee flying. Here is the link to Felix the Frogs song
We have a new box with lots of different feeling fabric in it which the children enjoy exploring. It is great to see some children trying activities around the classroom they have not been keen to explore before.
Hui went well this morning, although I forgot to get someone to take photos. I had lots of lovely feedback about how well everyone did.