by Amy Logavatu

Term 1, Week 9 Newsletter

Amy LogavatuMarch 26, 2024

Tēnā koutou, Mālō e lelei, Tālofa lava, ni sa Bula vinaka, Marhaba & warm greetings

A huge thank you to Barker, Logan, Stefan & Isaac for initiating 'Art Club' on a Friday lunch time.  It is a lot of fun and you have all shown great responsibility, ingenuity & leadership.

School Rippa Tournament 

TOMORROW Thursday 28 March - Wear your house colours!

Team Kowhai - 9.00 - 10.45am

Interval 10.45 - 11.15am

Team Tī kouka / Team Kahikatea - 11.30am - 2.30pm

Lunch 12.15pm - 1pm

Whānau most welcome to join us

Sausage sizzle during the lunch break (orders taken before the day)

Save the Date - Whānau Open Day

To celebrate The Arts learning that has happened at our kura/school over and in lieu of formalised interviews for Term 1, we will be having a family/whānau open day on 8th April 2024 from 11.30am onwards. You will be able to join your child/rens' class to join in some fun learning, and to see their work from the term. We then invite you to stay for lunch and watch our House Sing Off in the afternoon. We look forward to seeing you there! 

Maternity Leave

My last day will be Thursday 28th March I will be returning to school at the beginning of Term 3. During my absence Mrs Robyn Cooper will be our Acting Principal. My husband, daughter and I would like to thank everyone for the well wishes during our pregnancy, we are very excited to welcome another wee girl to our whānau.

Easter Break 

Just in case you aren't aware, Easter Tuesday is a school holiday and schools in New Zealand are closed. The Tuesday following Easter Monday is a school holiday (but not a statutory holiday), meaning schools must not be open. 

We wish you all a fun-filled Easter holiday break!

Upcoming Events

Easter Holiday: 29th March-2nd April (School Closed) 

Whānau/Family Open Day: 8th April

Last Day Term 1: 12th April

Start Term 2: 29th April

King's Birthday: 3rd June (school closed)

Matariki Holiday: 28th June (school closed)

Ka eke ngātahi atu mātau ki ngā taumata hou

Together we soar to new heights

Ngā mihi nui


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