Robyn Cooper — March 21, 2024
During Term 2 at various times Highfield School will be taking part in the Water Skills for Life Programme at Cbay.
Team Kahikatea - Week 1 / 2 Monday 29 April - Friday 10 May
Team Tī Kōuka - Week 3 / 4 Monday 13 May - Friday 24 May
Team Kōwhai - Week 5 / 6 Monday 27 May - Friday 7 June
(Te Whare Maru students will join either Team Tī Kōuka or Team Kōwhai and this will be confirmed closer to the date)
All students require this form to be completed as there is a No Consent = No Swim policy where if a Parent/Caregiver has not sent through their child’s consent form (or a hard copy has not been filled by the Parent/Caregiver and scanned through by the school office), the child will not be permitted to swim for the entire 2 week period. This is due to Health & Safety reasons for the Child, Instructor and Timaru District Council. Late consent forms will not be accepted, and we cannot accept verbal consent.
If you require a hard copy please collect from the school office.
All consent forms are due back before 3pm Friday 12 April.