Newsletter by Robyn Cooper
Robyn Cooper — February 21, 2022
Week 4
Kia ora tatou,
It seems incredible that we are already in week 4 of Term 1, where has the time gone?
Highfield are busy working towards our goals for 2022. We set these goals to create a consistent and forward thinking approach. Please take some time to look over our strategic plan, we want our tamariki and whānau to be a huge part of this process. Highfield can only develop if we all do this ‘together’.
Last week our 17 student leaders took part in their 2 day leadership programme. The group met at Caroline Bay on Tuesday morning and their first task was to work together to erect our shelter. We then spent the morning learning to surf and learning all about the 7 habits of highly effective teens. The 7 Habits is about giving our tamariki the tools to live their life well. This learning continued on day 2 as well as playing lots of team and getting to know each other games. The leaders also took time to reflect on our school values pathway and how they can achieve the role model section in our pathway. The second day finished with ‘giving back and service’. The students created a menu and cooked a 3 course meal for their whānau. We turned the school hall into a makeshift restaurant, ensuring we covered all COVID 19 rules and regulations, and then we had an evening of sharing kai and presenting our learning. Our students are now being taught the skills to become peer mediators and eventually they will be deployed in the playground to use constructive ways of dealing with conflict and help restore the relationships so that there is a win win solution.
As we all know Omicron is now in South Canterbury. Therefore, it is paramount that we continue to do our bit to keep our school community safe.
Please refrain from coming onto school grounds, unless it is an emergency. You can contact teachers and the office via email or HERO. If you have to enter please wear a mask and scan or sign in. I understand that this is frustrating but it is important.
Please read the attached ‘What do I need to do if…’ flowchart. This will hopefully help answer any queries or questions you may have.
Highfield has co-designed a COVID 19 Response Plan and I will be sharing elements of this when and if the time comes.
Last year our kaiako and tamariki spent valuable time developing a purposeful and relevant values pathway. This can only be achieved if all whānau use it too. Please watch the video on HERO and HAIL and talk to your children about what they need to do to become role models at home and school.
This coming Friday Highfield will be holding our mini School Duathlon, this is in place of our annual triathlon. All classes will be involved in swimming and running. I can’t wait to see all the children participate and have fun. Being flexible is really important and we have decided to postpone our swimming sports to term 4. On Friday 4th March we will have a modified and adapted swimming carnival. All classes will have an opportunity to race against their peers in our school pool.
Thank you for taking the time to read, listen or watch.
Nga mihi