Hillcrest celebrates Pride Week!
Rainbows, community, and love are the focus of Pride Week, carried out by our Queer-Straight-Alliance Skittles each year during June.
This is an important time for all members of our kura. It centres values and activities aimed to enrich hauora by integrating the waiwaiā of queer & takatāpui community and culture.
This year we had a takatāpui writing workshop with poet Essa May Ranapiri, a Kahoot, Pride cookie decorating, a crafting session, and a movie night of Rocketman. We enjoyed putting this all together, and the events were very fun!
Following Pride week, we are continuing to work on implementing an appreciation of queer, takatāpui, and irawhiti joy throughout our kura to see the magic this conjures for all students and staff.