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Reminders from the school office

School Office Staff —

As we head into Term 3, just a few reminders for our students and whaanau

What do I do if I have an appointment during school hours?

A note from a parent or caregiver is required. This is used to ‘sign out’ at Student Services. 

What do I do if I'm feeling sick at school or have an accident? 

If in class, discuss the situation with your teacher. They will probably send you to the Student Services Nurse. If it is not in class time, go to Student Services and report to a staff member, or send someone if unable to go yourself. No student may go home sick until the Nurse has contacted a caregiver and a formal arrangement has been made.

If you are away for more than 3 days in a row sick, a medical certificate may be required. 

What if I'm late to school?
Students must sign in at Student Services if they are late.