by Ryan Cox

Half-way to Easter - Principal's Message

The term is leaping ahead and in only four more weeks it will be Easter, a little break for students before the last two weeks of term.

By now students should have settled into a rhythm of attending school and making an effort to do their best in class. If you feel there is an issue and depending on whether it is an issue in a subject or an issue with wider school life, it is always best to contact the subject teacher or Hauora teacher by email, to seek a solution.

We tend to have two issues with being parents of teenagers; either they do not talk to us or we hear only one side of a story. Contacting us early on is a way of getting the full picture and making sure we can support your tamariki. That strong communication between school and home is so important.

Waiho i te toipoto, kaua i te toiroa

Let us keep close together, not wide apart

We had a stunning day at the House Sports Day. It was exciting and heartening to hear students get behind their House, participate in events and yell out their House chant in the hopes they may carry out the top House chant competition. Thank you to all whānau who made their students go to school. Learning to be part of a team, getting exercise and feeling a part of a wider community is so important for having a sense of belonging. The good feeling this generates is immeasurable for wellbeing.

Later in the term you will receive tick reports for each subject which will give you a snapshot of how your child is going academically and with their effort in class. This is followed by two evenings- the junior and senior kaiako/whānau interviews where you can meet with individual teachers.

It is great to have the opportunity to discuss progress kanohi ki te kanohi/ face to face and I encourage you to come along. Education is a three legged stool with the family, students and staff all important legs of the stool. If one of the stool legs is not committed the stool is not sturdy and will not be able to bear any load.

Thank you for reading our newsletter. We are really proud of its new look instigated last year and we hope you are finding it user friendly.