by Ryan Cox

Principal's Message - Bouquets and brickbats

Since it is the end of the term, I would like to write about bouquets and brickbats. This is an idiom (saying) not really heard these days. We all know what a bouquet is and considering bouquets are usually used at weddings obviously it has positive connotations but brickbats is a word from the mid-1600’s and was a piece of brick used as a missile, figuratively used since, as a negative comment or insult.

Here is my term’s list of bouquets and brickbats.

Brickbats of the term

Students who think insulting someone or insulting a group of students is fair game or fun.

Students who love the drama of setting up or being involved in watching an altercation between students.

Bouquets of the term

Students who have participated in a new extra curricular activity this term.

Students who have asked for help in class and worked hard to personally achieve.

The 95% of students who wear their uniform correctly and the parents behind them who support us to make this happen.

The students who have discovered that actually without a phone switched on in their pocket life does go on and you can survive not knowing about it.

The parents who have supported safety in front of the school and not parked on yellow lines or double parked.

The staff who continue to care for and support our students/rangatahi to succeed.

All the amazing students, staff and whānau who think positively, share smiles and kindness, who say hello to each other and who work hard to make Hillcrest High School have a culture of safety, endeavour and success.

Thank goodness the overwhelming majority of people make the bouquets happen - on mass we have way more hope of stamping out those who contribute to the bricks altogether!

If you can, please fill out the survey in this newsletter as your input will help us to continue to improve our practice and what we can offer.

Have a wonderful two week break.

Christine Williams 
