Hero photograph
Photo by Pam Hunt

Year 7 and 8 and ePro8

Pam Hunt —

Year 7 and 8 students have participated in a week-long EPro8 learning programme designed to help students develop engineering, problem solving and innov8ion innovation skills in a team environment.

Each class had the opportunity to develop the engineering literacy and numeracy skills whilst working together to build solutions to challenges, including a functioning crane lift for those heavy school bags, and rubber band powered cars large enough to carry a person! 

The end of the week culminated in a competition event that selected the teams that will represent our school in the interschool engineering event early next term.

Our grateful thanks goes to Tait Electronics who provided funding to support this programme.

Congratulations to the winning Year 7 and 8 teams.

"Super Smart Students" - Adara Burt, Harry Durdin, Josie Jamieson, Ethan Gately, 8SLN

"EPro Great" - Kendrah Monaghan, Anika Dryden, Sophie Hills, Jayden Chauhan, 8OAD

“De Pros” - Joshua Bonner, Gia Hargrove, Malakai Kirk, Fin Anderson, 7RST

“Team 24” - Elliot Tait, Aidan Robertson, Curtis Barnes, Robbie Ballard, 8THM