Attendance matters
The evidence is clear that every day at school matters - Missing school leads to low achievement.
Kia ora koutou
At Hillmorton High School we are looking to improve our procedures around attendance. Overall, our school attendance is above the national average, however there is still plenty of room for improvement. The evidence is clear that every day at school matters and leads to higher achievement.
As of next term we are will be using a notification system through our student management system (KAMAR), that will send you an email if your child is not at school. There will continue to be phone calls to Year 7 and 8 whānau whose students are absent, however from Year 9 and above it will be through an email. Some of the other improvements we are making are for our Whānau Group Kaiako to have an active role in following up on attendance more as it happens, as opposed the Head of Year (HOY) doing it for their whole cohort the following week. For chronic non-attendance HOYs, Team Leader and myself will be involved.
By law, the school is required to account for student absences. To support our office staff can I please ask that if your child is away sick that parents notify us via one of the options below. We would appreciate notification by 9.15 am on the day. This helps avoid unnecessary contact with home.
Ways you may contact the school are:
· Email:
· App: Skool Loop (download available on Android and IOS)
· Parent Portal
· Phone 03 338 5119 (Press 1 to leave a message on the Absence Line)
Acceptable reasons for absence:
· Illness
· Family bereavement
· Injury
· Dental/Medical appointment
· Emergency
For other absences, such as holidays, family celebration, approval must be given by the Principal, in writing, in advance. Holidays are not a justified reason for absence. Please email your request to
Information about absences can be found on the Ministry of Education website.
This also applies to lateness/appointments etc, in fact anytime students arrive late or leave during the day (for whatever reason). We do require a reason, and this is so we can mark student attendance with the correct code.
Ngā mihi nui
Sam Forward
Deputy Principal
Pastoral Care and Wellbeing