Hero photograph
Photo by Hillmorton

From the Principal's Desk

Hillmorton —

Kia ora koutou,

The end of term is now upon us.  The spring weather is lovely and we are all looking forward to some time off over the holiday period.

Throughout the year we have had to cancel so many events, such as our Celebration Assemblies, and so it is with much pleasure that senior students and staff are able to look forward to our Senior Formal tomorrow evening.  I feel sure that our students will again make us proud with their impeccable manners and behaviour.

It has been wonderful that despite changing COVID 19 Alert Levels this term, many students have continued to participate fully in both co-curricular activities outside the usual classroom activities and within their classes.  Much of this active participation is celebrated in this newsletter.

Thank you to all our parents, volunteers, our community partners and to all staff members for their hardwork and dedication in ensuring our students 'learn' in the broadest sense.

I wish everyone a good break.

Ngā mihi

Ann Brokenshire - Principal