Hero photograph
Photo by Pam Hunt

'See you later' Kadoma

Pam Hunt —

Kadoma left us recently to return to Japan to complete his high schooling there.

After arriving in January 2018 as a quiet young Year 9 student with minimal English, we were sad to say 'see you later' to Kadoma recently.

While Kadoma had planned to complete his high school education in New Zealand, with the current border restrictions and uncertainty as to when he would be able to return to Japan (and come back to New Zealand), he made the difficult decision to head home to be with his family in Japan.

Congratulations to Kadoma on his successes achieved while he was here, including Level 1 NCEA and Whāia te iti Kahurangi awards, and of course improving his English immensely. Best wishes for your future endeavours, Kadoma.

And, a big thank you to the Prices for being a wonderful host family for Kadoma.