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by HHS

Principal's Update

HHS - April 12, 2022

Thursday, 14th April 2022

Kia ora koutou

Please see below important notices for the start of Term 2. 

Covid Protection Framework

Thank you to everyone in our school community for the ways in which you have cared for each other throughout Term 1.  

Masks remain strongly encouraged.  The wearing of masks certainly protects both students and staff.  I ask that everyone (apart from those with exemptions or other health issues) continues to wear masks until we have carried out a thorough risk assessment.

Term Two - Start Times

At the beginning of Term Two we will be back at Stage 1, with start times resuming as usual:

  • Monday: 9:20 am
  • Tuesday - Friday: 9:00 am

and all students attending classes as per their normal timetable.

Term Two, Week Two

  • Thursday 12 May 2022 - Accord Day (Staff Only Day)

  • Friday 13 May 2022 - Whānau Connect Day for Learner Conferences (no timetabled lessons on this day, students only come in for their pre-booked learner conference)

Please note that Upland students will have school as usual on Thursday 12 May but no school on Friday 13 May.

Whānau Connect Learner Conferences 

Whānau Connect Learner Conferences are an opportunity for parents/caregivers/whānau to meet with your child's Whānau Group Kaiako to discuss your child's learning across the school. These meetings will form the basis of our mentoring and support for our young people. We aim to have these meetings face to face but if we happen to be back in 'Red Setting' then we will carry them out online.

These will take place on :

  • Thursday 12th May: 3.30 pm - 7.00 pm
  • Friday 13th May: 9.00 am - 3.00 pm 

Click on the link for more information and how to make an appointment with your whānau group kaiako on your preferred day at your preferred time

Ngā mihi

Ann Brokenshire