Hero photograph
Photo by Tracey Veale

Year 7 & 8 Tech Teams - Zoom off to a great start!

Liz Williams —

3 teams competed via a Zoom meeting in the Great Christchurch Technology Challenge

This year's Intermediate aged challenge included more than 30 teams from 11 different schools.  Covid 19 restrictions saw the organisers change format from the traditional in-person competition, to an online Zoom event.  Schools were delivered mystery boxes which teams had to open live online, and use to build the technology project in limited time.  This year's project was a self-propelling car.  The mystery box included a small motor and other resources for the team to build to their own design.  We had 3 teams enter, and all 3 teams managed to create a working vehicle.  The final test was to get the car to travel 3 metres in the fastest time.  One of our teams managed to complete a speedy 13 second run. Unfortunately, it was not fast enough to place in the top 3, however each of the teams demonstrated grit and determination as they completed their entries.  Congratulations to the Year 7 & 8 Tech students, Cameron Bartram, Cameron Price, Alex Gray, Logan Smith, Tanisha Chand, Aaryan Patel, Erin Mathew, Lida Adeli and Arleana Woo.  These students will go on to create entries for this year's ePro8 competition over the next few weeks.  The ePro8 event has also shifted to an online format this year. Good luck to all these students as they continue to develop their technology prowess.