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Photo by HHS

A Taste of Floristry at NZMA


NZMA offers day ‘tasters’ of their full-time courses to encourage secondary school ākonga to ‘try out their campus’.

Elizabeth went for a day at the end of Term Three and was able to watch the Level 3 p0oNZMA class make table garlands. In her ‘taster’ course, the group first got a tutorial on how to make a hand wrap/bouquet and then they made one themselves from the selections of flowers NZMA had in stock. Then the group each made a boutonniere where they wrapped the flowers, using flower tape. Finally, they got to make an Oasis. This is when flowers and foliage are stuck into the oasis styrofoam that has been soaked so the flowers get a little hydration. Elizabeth gave the one she made to her mum, who loved it! At the end of the day, anyone could use the remaining flowers to make another little hand wrap if they wanted.

Elizabeth enjoyed the course, working with the NZMA tutors and learning with ākonga from other schools. As she said: It was really fun! Prior to covid, florists were in high demand and now that the retail trade is almost back to normal, trainee florists are needed. In November Year 10s will get a chance to have a floristry taster at school - if interested, keep reading the Daily Notices.