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Photo by HHS

From The Principal's Desk


Ann Brokenshire — June 2021

Kia ora koutou

We are nearly at the end of Term 2 and well into winter.

With our fields being wet and out of bounds our students have had limited space in which to be active. Nonetheless I have been impressed with our students managing to still remain active and yet respectful of each other and staff within the quads.

Our landscaping has now started but is unlikely to be useable until towards the end of the year. Once finished we are looking forward to students using the new outdoor amphitheatre.

Our new courts will also be built in the second half of the year providing much more hard surface area for our students.

It remains an absolute pleasure to walk through the school and see classes hard at work with their teachers.

From Term 3 our school day timetable is changing slightly. To give students a longer break in the afternoon and to allow for more co-curricular activities, we will now have 2 thirty minute break times in a day instead of a long break (40 mins) and short break (20 mins). Mondays and Wednesdays are still slightly different with the late start on Monday and Sport on a Wednesday. Please see here for the day timings.

At a recent meeting, parents told me they are keen to help out at school. Here are some opportunities for volunteers:

Sports - Managers and Coaches

Arts Fundraising - We need help at our Bunnings sausage sizzle and cake stall on Saturday 14th August in particular parents and their children to assist on the day and baking (things that do not require refrigeration)

Reader / Writers - To help students with Special Assessment Conditions

Garden Working Bee - In Spring (Term 4) we plan on having agarden working bee here at school

If you can help with any of these please email admin@hillmorton.school.nz.

One of our strategic goals is “involving our communities”. If you would like to be involved, please let us know!

I wish you all the best for the upcoming break from school.

Thank you

Ann Brokenshire