Hero photograph
Photo by Hillmorton

From the Principal's Desk

Hillmorton —

Kia ora Koutou,

We have just had another few very busy weeks with much to celebrate.  Here is a selection:

Senior Students

I have been very impressed with the exemplary behaviour from our senior students sitting exams this week.  Given the uncertainty with the COVID 19 situation it is imperative that our students work hard in classes and all assessments as this can be used as evidence if for any reason external assessments cannot be sat in November and December.

Election for a student representative on the Board of Trustees

We have five outstanding candidate standing in our election.  The rules state that only students in Years 9 - 13 (high school) vote in this election, which will take place in Whanau Group time next week.  Our current student rep, Bukhosi Shuva has participated in Board meetings showing intelligence and provides a valuable student voice.  We thank Bukhosi for her service over the past year.  Bukhosi was selected to be part of a national advertising campaign for these elections.  Here is the link to the School Trustees Association video.


Four of our teams have progressed to the semi-finals to be held next Wednesday 1 September, we wish them all the best.  We also have Year 9 & 10 teams in the finals!


Our teams continue to play with heart and to hold their heads high whether they win or lose.  They show great mana.


Last weekend we had 35 Year 7-10 students at school performing and filming their Show Quest entry.  We thanks the staff who supported them on the day.

Other business:


We thank the many community volunteers who helped out as reader/writers during our senior exams this week.  If you would like to volunteer your time in any way I would be keen to hear from you,  'It takes a village to raise a child'

COVID 19 Reminder

From Monday face masks are required on all public transport (not on school transport).

Student Management

Sadly, I also need to report that we had some seriously poor behaviour at school this week. Some of our students have not yet learnt that violent methods will not solve disagreements.  At Hillmorton we base our student management and discipline systems on restorative justice wherever possible, helping our students to truly understand the effect their behaviour has on others, both on those involved directly and on those who witnessed the violence.  We teach our students to talk through their differences, and to understand things from other's perspectives.  Most of our students understand our behaviour expectations and show great respect for others and for themselves.  On rare occasions I am put in the position of having to use more traditional methods such as stand downs and suspensions.  Violence is not accepted here at Hillmorton.

Monday is a mid term break and I look forward to seeing everyone back at school, in correct uniform, on time and ready to learn on Tuesday.

Ngā mihi

Ann Brokenshire - Principal