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Let us know about Absences / Lateness / Appointments...

Hillmorton —

It is essential you notify the office if your student will be away from school for any reason. By law, the school is required to account for student absences. It is the responsibility of parents to inform the school office regarding any absences.

There are several ways you can do this:

Tel: 03 338 5119 (Press 1 to leave a message on the Absence Line)

Email: absences@hillmorton.school.nz

App: Skool Loop

Please advise the day and reason for absence

If your student needs to leave school during the day please ensure you give them a note which will allow them to be released from class to come to the office and sign out.

You can also let the office know about the appointment via email or Skool Loop. This will ensure a smooth and speedy departure.