Hero photograph
Photo by Michelle Blake

Success at the Lion's Music Festival

Giarne Harrison —

Our school community can be very proud of the students who performed in the Lion’s Music Festival on 3 November.

11 of our students joined 1,000 students in the massed choir, a further 100 in the Representative Choir plus students playing in a Concert Band and the Orchestra. It was a phenomenal performance featuring a wide variety of choir pieces fitting in the theme of Galaxies.

Whilst our school choir accepts anyone who is willing to commit to weekly tuition, we could only take the year 7 & 8 students to the performance.
A big thank you goes to: Ruby Amohanga-Bennett, George Dougherty, Charlise Gray, Emma Groen, Finn Harwood, Sofia Kyle, Taylor McGillivray, Isla Phillips & Luca Williams who showed the mana and ako values of our school. Their commitment and passion was very admirable!

Two students performed for all four nights of the Festival - Eve Fourie was in the Representative Choir & Ava Palmer played double bass in the Orchestra. They had to attend workshops during the school holidays and put a lot of hours into practicing at home. All their hard work paid off!

Ava: “I really enjoyed playing in a big orchestra with such talented kids. If I was able to do it next year I would definitely do it.”

The choir are now practicing to perform to residents of the local rest home and for Middle School Prizegiving.

Our gratitude also goes to Sarah-Jane Rennie who has been a wonderful conductor for the choir and takes students for 1:1 and small group vocal tuition.